Another great Seaduck hunting season closed for the year, We went 100% successful for all our hunters for the 17th season out of 20 we have been in business, just a few highlights from the great year on Island X as the top King Eider Outfitter in the World. Cant Jack with his dad Dean showing off some nice birds from January Seaduck hunting.

Capt Jack Nelson Alaska King eider Duck Guide
Another great day on the Island hunting with us last season with Capt Nate.

ALaska Duck guide Capt Nate
All the guides did a great job cant thank them enough, as some new guide blood can make a huge difference with Camp life. Thank You Justin, Capt Jack and CApt Nate for getting done on ST Paul Island with Alaska’s Team X-Treme top King Eider Outfitters of all time.

Best Seaduck guides in ALaska