Best Alaska King Eider Hunting Guides , Top Alaska duck hunting Guides Since 1985

King Eider Hunting Alaska
The worlds best King Eider hunting awaits you on St Paul Island, along with unlimited Alaska Sea duck hunting at Cold Bay. Come Experience Alaska’s #1 rated and Best Alaska Duck hunting guides Aleutian Island Waterfowlers. Made up of 3 of the best Alaska Sea duck hunting Lodges, King Eider Guides and Outfitters including Island X, St Paul Island Alaska, Volcano Bay or Cold bay Alaska . Our 3 Alaska duck hunting locations hands down offer the discriminating duck hunters a true wilderness expedition. We bring Alaska’s most experienced duck hunting guides together with over 50 years combined Alaska Duck hunting experience. Along with a unmatched outfitting business offering any kind of wilderness fishing, hunting, family vacation or corporate trip in Alaska or Russia Team X-Treme offers Trophy Seaduck hunts, Puddle duck hunts, Emperor Geese and Black Brant hunts along with Diy self guided Caribou/Waterfowl/Salmon flyfishing along with the best Halibut fishing charters in the state based out in Cold Bay Alaska. When Only the best will Do! Choose the winning team of World famous Duck hunting Guides or Alaska’s Best King Eider guides – Aleutian Island Waterfowlers. Choose to hunt Alaska not Greenland King Eider Hunting
Alaska’s Top King Eider hunting, Seaduck & Emperor Goose Hunts
King Eider

Pacific Eider

Emperor Geese

Pacific Brant

100% of the worlds population of Pacific Black Brant stage during Sept and Oct within 20 miles of Coldbay Alaska. Populations reaching 150-180 thousand. We offer diy self guided black brant hunts starting at $2595 per week with lodging, meals, outfitting and fully guided deluxe brant hunts for $3900 pp on Izembek & Kinzaroff Lagoon state waters.
Alaska Duck Hunting With Team X-Treme
Trophy Alaska Duck hunting: Our name says it all ! Aleutian Island Waterfowlers Thats what we do, X-Treme Trophy King Eider Duck hunting specializing in Mature King Eiders, Pacific Eiders, Harlequin, Aleutian Teal and Eurasian Widgeon in the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands over decoys. 100% success rate on Island X 2007-2018 harvesting King Eiders for our Guest’s.
New for 2024/ Volcano Bay Camp offering Halibut charters, Diy self guided Caribou hunting and late season Seaduck hunting and Emperor hunts based at our new Volcano Bay Lodge. Along with Aleutians Islands Fishing full service sport and Charter fishing for Salmon, Char, Steelhead and Halibut out based out of our Coldbay Adventures Lodge

Our King Eider hunting is copied but never duplicated !
AI Waterfowlers

Cold Bay Adventures

Aleutian Fishing