Duck Hunting Ethics & Guide Policy
Aleutian Island Waterfowlers is committed to offering only the highest quality Alaska guided duck hunts, By strictly following all state and federal rules regarding waterfowl and duck hunting all rules have been clarified to our guides by leading US fish and wildlife officials.
Our policy is very simple we will not aid or assist in any lawbreaking and if you violate any state and federal laws we will immediately contact the local State troopers and Federal fish & Wildlife officers and report you! No exceptions we take our profession very seriously and will not risk our business for any one not respecting the great state of Alaska’s fish & Game laws. Our limits our liberal and we intend to respect them. No Game hogs allowed!
Each group of Duck hunters will have a signed contract agreeing to our terms and outlining the hunt dates-total hunt cost and reasonable success expected and species legally available on there particular hunt and all transportation cost’s related to there hunting trip. We require a 50% non refundable deposit and highly recommend travel/Hunt insurance to cover any weather delays or flight cancellations that can arise on short notice as we will not be held responsible for anything until you arrive in our lodge.
There are no guarantees in duck hunting! The only guarantee is that we will give you 110% each and every day and we will abide by all regulations, and will treat you with respect.
Our Guides will not hunt while guiding unless you specifically are done for the day and you invite them to hunt, Exceptions:They will shoot to aid you in stopping a cripple from escaping after you have clearly wounded/crippled a bird a
nd it is escaping on the water or in the air We will not motor down-chase-haze or Harrass waterfowl with our boats so do not ask us to as we only hunt over decoys from a stationary position on shore or from boats. Certain exceptions may arrise and we drift with decoys out on certain winds utilizing layout boats or zodiaks.
There are no grey areas! if you clearly cripple a duck we will make every attempt to legally retrieve it but if we do not recover it, the bird will be counted against your yearly and or daily bag limits, so only take responsible shots that you are confident in. All birds whether juvenile or mature that are harvested will count against your limits. Duck identification is very important.
There will be no selling, bartering, upgrading or trading of waterfowl in any manner with anyone at any of our locations as this is highly illegal and immoral. All daily and yearly bag and possession limits will be monitored closely.
All birds will be immediately tagged with your personal tags before leaving the field and no birds will be left with us or discarded except to eat at the lodge. You are responsible for all your birds.
All our Professional Waterfowl guides are licensed and insured to hunt and guide in Alaska, and will be USCG licensed captains while operating motorized vessels with passengers for hire, We enforce a 100% no Drug or Alcohol policy while onboard our hunting boats or while actively hunting during the day.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding these rules please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-877-801-2289 as we will be glad to talk with you about them.
We feel strongly that if everything is covered and agreed to ahead of time there are very few issues that can or will arise that you don’t understand the consequenses.
Stop Senseless killings and endangerment to Alaska wildlife!Report Violations 1 – 800 – 478 – 3377
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